It’s no secret that e-commerce is emerging as one of the top entrepreneurial ventures today. We don’t think you’d be here if you were unsure what e-commerce encompasses, but for those of you who might be new, we’ll provide a quick definition. E-Commerce is commercial transactions, such as retail or trade services, that are made over the internet.
While the definition of e-commerce is simple, the path to proper marketing techniques is not. Marketing Success has the tools to make your course a little bit easier. Welcome to a briefing from us to you, on complete e-commerce solutions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
We’re sure you’ve heard of it because every brand new blog or long-established website around the world utilize SEO every chance they get.
SEO is a tried and true method of using keywords that correlate with your business to increase the chances of being found on page one or two of search engine rankings.
While SEO exists within an algorithm that is constantly changing, search engines like Google are encrypting new keywords every single day, making it easier for us to determine which of those keywords will work effectively for your business.
Choosing a Website Platform
One of the biggest decisions you’ll make before launching your e-commerce business is deciding on one of hundreds of platforms in which to host your site. Before cost, we suggest making a list of what you need and what you want out of a host.
When choosing a host for your website, start with the very basics of ample storage amount and a responsive and easy to use design.
You definitely want things like a robust email capability for marketing, virus and spam protection, and technical support with access to Google analytics to constantly monitor where your site stands.
Marketing Success can help get you started.
Starting Off on the Right Foot: Hire an E-Commerce Consultant
Every year, thousands of small e-commerce businesses fail. This is not because the idea was bad, or because the product was junk. It’s because so many businesses choose not to spend money on an e-commerce consultant. We completely understand that for many start-ups, money is tight.
However, you must weigh the effect of cash spent on a consultant with the potential results to help increase sales and grow your business.
Look at it this way, if you don’t succeed, your consultant doesn’t succeed.
Why Do I Need a Consultant?
An experienced e-commerce consultant will be knowledgeable not only in the big aspects like site design and SEO but in smaller necessities such as customer and product management, which merchant gateways to use and strategic planning specifically applied to make your business succeed.
A good consultant should have experience in pay-per-click social media marketing and reputational management also.
At Marketing Success we offer complete e-commerce solutions for you.
Use our contact form or give us a call today. Let our seasoned and experienced team help you find the marketing path that is right for you.